The Code of Conduct The Banker’s Oath – much like the Hippocratic Oath – involves a Code of Conduct. Anyone who takes the legally required Banker’s Oath is automatically expected to adhere to this code. Based on these rules of conduct, it is possible to test whether a bank employee has violated the Code of Conduct.
1 The bank employee works with care and integrity. This means, among other things, that the bank employee:
2 The bank employee carefully balances interests. This means that the bank employee carefully balances the interests of the bank’s customers, its shareholders, its members, its bond holders and other creditors of the bank, its employees and society as a whole.
3 The bank employee puts the customer’s interests first.This means, among other things, that the bank employee:
4 The bank employee abides by legislation and other regulations that apply to the bank. This means, among other things, that when carrying out his or her duties the bank employee abides by the legislation, regulations, rules of conduct and instructions that apply to working at the bank.
5 The bank employee does not disclose confidential information. This means, among other things, that the bank employee does not provide any confidential information about customers to third parties without the customer’s permission. The employee only discloses information about customers when required to do so by law, a judge or the supervisory body. The certified employee is also prohibited from misusing the information that he or she has access to.
6. The bank employee is open and honest with regard to his or her behaviour and is aware of his or her responsibility to society. This means that the bank employee allows his or her behaviour at work to be tested for adherence to these rules of conduct.
7 The bank employee contributes to promoting society’s trust in the bank. This means, among other things, that when carrying out his or her duties the bank employee does not take any risks that may endanger the bank or others.